ChiSpree » Tag: Stress relief Living Better for Less Fri, 19 Dec 2014 21:51:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 About the Encyclopedia – Start Here Fri, 21 Mar 2014 20:08:39 +0000 Welcome to the ChiSpree Wellness Encyclopedia!   This encyclopedia was developed to assist you in understanding what wellness is, to provide information on a variety of holistic methods and services that can contribute to a person’s well-being.   While many non-medical wellness based approaches have been shown to be very helpful in preventing and reversing […]]]>

Welcome to the ChiSpree Wellness Encyclopedia!


This encyclopedia was developed to assist you in understanding what wellness is, to provide information on a variety of holistic methods and services that can contribute to a person’s well-being.


While many non-medical wellness based approaches have been shown to be very helpful in preventing and reversing some medical conditions, the information in this encyclopedia is not intended to take the place of any medical treatment. It is always a good idea to consult with your physician prior to beginning any new wellness routines. If you believe you have a medical condition of any kind, please seek help from a qualified medical professional as soon as possible to be treated.


We will try to help you go beyond the mere absence of disease and expand your personal well-being as far and high as you would like to take it. Explore the encyclopedia, try new services, and find Your Way to Wellness!


If you have any suggestions for helpful articles, please contact us!


Thank you,

ChiSpree Team

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Creating Healthy Relationships Sun, 12 Jan 2014 04:19:06 +0000 Relationships, romantic, or not so romantic… are a cornerstone of life. When we are young we are led by hormones and romance stories to believe that the perfect someone is out there, if we could only find him or her.  And if we could just find that one true love, we would live happily ever […]]]>

Relationships, romantic, or not so romantic… are a cornerstone of life.


When we are young we are led by hormones and romance stories to believe that the perfect someone is out there, if we could only find him or her.  And if we could just find that one true love, we would live happily ever after.  In truth, we are taught next to nothing about how to create and grow a healthy, loving relationship.  What we learn is a hodgepodge of more or less functional and mostly subconscious examples from our parents, movies, and our own random experiments.

Great relationships start with authenticity and emotional honesty, and grow through real listening and empathy.  A relationship coach can help you learn and master these and many other skills necessary for the happiness that begins at home.  And if your relationship is struggling, a relationship coach can help you discover the unmet needs and emotional blocks that are keeping you from a life full of love.


Our relationships are an important component of an overall healthy lifestyle. If you’re in a relationship, or even if you’re single, bringing as much love into your life as possible is a foundation to health. Contact the Author, or browse our Merchant Directory to find local holistic merchants in your area.


Author: Greg Young – Love Coach Greg of San Diego, CA

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Ten Questions When Planning for Financial Security Fri, 13 Dec 2013 05:12:43 +0000 Stress free… in any situation…     What is the sign of a good decision?® It’s clarifying what you want to achieve, what you value and how uncertainties affect plans and aspirations – turning plans into action and goals into reality. Ten questions and answers When thinking about how to protect your livelihood or build the […]]]>

Stress free… in any situation…



FinancialWhat is the sign of a good decision?®

It’s clarifying what you want to achieve, what you value and how uncertainties affect plans and aspirations – turning plans into action and goals into reality.

Ten questions and answers

When thinking about how to protect your livelihood or build the financial resources you will need to live life as desired, answer these 10 questions first.


1. What is important to me?

Before thinking about the right financial products for your needs, clarify what’s truly important to you – the people you care about, the aspirations you have, the things you want to protect, and the support you’d like to give to others. Whether you reflect on this question by yourself, with family members, or alongside a financial professional – answer this first, as it will create the framework around which your financial strategy can be built.


2. Who depends on me today and who might depend on me tomorrow?

This question should be at the core of your decision making process and should be answered well before you consider what financial products you need and in what amount. Spouses and children are often thought of as the most obvious dependents; however, there can be others – for example, parents, in-laws or siblings who, due to age, disability, or other circumstances, may be unable to care for themselves. Even individuals without a family have dependents – namely, themselves – since their well-being depends on their own ability to earn an income. With your list of current and potential dependents in hand, you will be better prepared to plot your course toward greater financial security.


3. Who is providing for my dependents now?

Does someone in your family provide valuable non-financial support to those you care about? Think of the stay-at-home parent – they may not support their family with earned income, but the support they do provide is just as valuable as any paycheck. If a stay-at-home parent were unable to provide that support, it would surely be expensive to replace. Account for all who provide essential financial or non-financial support to your dependents.


4. What risks have I overlooked or not fully considered?

People may concentrate on the risk of premature or accidental death and overlook other risks to their well-being and livelihood (for example, a breadwinner unable to work due to illness, an aging parent unable to care for themselves, a retiree dealing with rising healthcare costs, a business owner faced with a succession problem). As you work to construct your strategy, be sure to think broadly about the financial risks you face today, or may face in the future.


5. Are my plans flexible enough?

There are ways that financial product solutions can be structured to provide future flexibility and adjust with your evolving needs. When speaking with your financial professional, ask about flexible solutions that can be upgraded (or downsized) as events in your life unfold.


6. How do I pick the right financial professional?

When choosing a financial professional, work with someone who is not only competent, but also inspires your trust and confidence. The best financial professionals are good listeners who seek to fully understand your circumstances and financial objectives before proposing possible solutions. They should have access to product solutions from many fine companies, should clearly explain how they get paid for their services, and should provide references upon request. Make sure your financial professional has a solid support network behind them since those affiliated with a strong, reputable firm will likely have access to better resources to support your changing needs.


7. How do I pick the right financial services company?

Based on your specific needs, your financial professional should present product solutions from companies that they highly regard and with which they have had positive experience. Just as you will want to align yourself with a strong, reputable financial professional, you will want to do the same with regard to financial services companies. In many cases, products will be used to address financial needs and objectives that last for decades, if not a lifetime. To help ensure that your financial product providers will be there when you (or loved ones) need them, work with strong, stable companies that have received high marks from independent ratings agencies such as A.M. Best, Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s and Fitch.


8. What if I already have a plan?

Even the best financial strategies should be revisited and updated regularly, generally at least once a year. Common life events such as marriage, having children, changing jobs, or even moving, can affect your existing approach. So, too, can just having another birthday – particularly if it means you have reached a financial milestone, such as the year you can begin collecting Social Security, receiving Medicare benefits, or taking distributions from your retirement accounts. An experienced financial professional should regularly review your strategy with you, to help ensure that it remains aligned with your objectives and appropriate for your circumstances.


9. What is the downside of putting this off?

Developing a financial strategy is a critically important activity that should not be rushed; however, there is a fine line between not rushing the process and not focusing on it at all. By putting this off, we expose ourselves and our families to unnecessary risks and lost opportunities – be it by not safeguarding our lifestyle from unexpected events, by not insuring our livelihood and legacy while in a position of health and strength, or by not capitalizing on even one extra day to build and protect our retirement nest egg. By actively focusing on this process, you can help protect your interests and shape your future.


10. What am I waiting for?

You should now know what to consider as you develop your financial strategy and how to secure the best resources to turn that strategy into a reality. Perhaps most importantly, you should now understand how to avoid common pitfalls that lead some to take what may be the greatest risk of all – the risk of doing nothing. Take the next step by doing additional research on your own or seeking guidance from an experienced financial professional.

© 2011 Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, Springfield, MA 01111-0001. All rights




Provided by Mark A. Kaufman, a financial representative with The Pollakov Financial Group, who represents MassMutual and other companies; courtesy of Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual)


Taking care of the things that help us to feel secure “just in case” the unexpected happens in the future can help relieve stress in the present. Contact the Author, or browse our Merchant Directory to find local holistic merchants in your area.


Author: Mark Kaufman – Pollakov Financial Group of San Diego, CA


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Disability Facts that Might Surprise You Fri, 13 Dec 2013 04:46:24 +0000 Stress free… in any situation…     In times like these, good decisions matter. And when it comes to protecting a portion of your income from disability risks, it’s important to base your decision on the facts. In the case of disability, some of those facts might surprise you.   For example, more than one-quarter of today’s […]]]>

Stress free… in any situation…



Stress FreeIn times like these, good decisions matter. And when it comes to protecting a portion of your income from disability risks, it’s important to base your decision on the facts. In the case of disability, some of those facts might surprise you.


For example, more than one-quarter of today’s 20 year-olds will become disabled before they retire. And if you are covered by a group disability income policy through your employer, you might not know about the likely gap between your policy’s benefits and your family’s actual needs.


To start with, the typical group plan only covers 50-70% of income. And benefits are often taxable, have maximum limits, and don’t cover bonuses, commissions or 401(k) contributions. In some cases, worker’s compensation helps bridge the gap, but less than 5% of disabling accidents and illnesses are work related. 2


If you run a business, your insurance protection should help cover its operating costs, possibly provide the funds for a partnership buyout, and protect a portion of lost earnings – either yours or your employees’.


The most common way to close the gap between existing coverage and actual needs is to obtain a supplemental individual disability income insurance policy. Because you own it, you can take it with you throughout your career.


And the best way to make a good decision about that policy is to work with a trusted, trained financial professional. No surprise there.


© 2011 Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, Springfield, MA 01111-0001.


1 Social Security Administration, Fact Sheet March 18, 2011

2 Council for Disability Awareness, Long-Term Disability Claims Review, 2011


Provided by Richard Texidor, a financial representative with The Pollakov Financial Group, who represents MassMutual and other companies; courtesy of Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual) 

CRN201312- 153928


Taking care of the things that help us to feel secure “just in case” the unexpected happens in the future can help relieve stress in the present. Contact the Author, or browse our Merchant Directory to find local holistic merchants in your area.


Author: Richard Texidor – Pollakov Financial Group of San Diego, CA

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What are Health and Wellness; Sounds Simple Right? Wed, 12 Jun 2013 07:17:00 +0000  What is wellness?   Health and Wellness are very broad ideas with a multitude of considerations. According to the World Health Organization, health is defined as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. For some, health has been considered simply to be the absence […]]]>

 What is wellness?


Health and Wellness are very broad ideas with a multitude of considerations. According to the World Health Organization, health is defined as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. For some, health has been considered simply to be the absence of disease and pain, but it can be so much more. Beyond simply having no illnesses, true health brings in aspects of life satisfaction, happiness, and living up to ones potential; it can include whatever is important to you. Of course, that state of physical health and being free of disease is a top priority, and any ailments should be addressed by a qualified professional, but once this is achieved, the sky is the limit!

The idea of wellness brings a notion of individual balance into the picture of health. What contributes to a person’s wellness is very personalized and unique, but in general, wellness practices and topics can be broken down into three primary categories. These are Physical, Mental, and Nutritional. All three have effects on each other and must be in balance for a person to feel like they have achieved their own state of optimal wellbeing. Many lifestyle related health conditions can be greatly improved or even cured through leading a healthy lifestyle. Below are some examples of what topics fall under each broad category. You will notice that some topics or ideas fall under more than one category. This demonstrates the idea that our bodies and minds are part of a connected whole and that we can be affected in multiple ways through the choices and actions that make up our lifestyle.







Traditional Medical practices like Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine for example, hold more of a holistic viewpoint of the human being. This way of thinking about the person as a whole individual with emotions, feelings, energy levels, aspirations, motivation, etc. goes well beyond just a physical absence of disease. A more modern approach can be achieved through a Lifestyle Coach, or Holistic Health Practitioner. Work with your health care provider to have regular screenings and checkups that are right for you. Make a plan with them and involve the services of other professionals to help you get where you want to be. True Health and Wellness can go as far as you want to take it; it’s really up to you where you want to go. Start making a list of your aspirations and begin setting Goals to get you there!


For assistance with your health goals, seek the help of a holistic health practitioner, traditional medical practitioner, lifestyle coach.

Browse our Merchant Directory to find great services that fit your needs.

Author: Tony Montijo, BS. Kinesiology, CPT, CES

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Stress: Rule IT! Tue, 11 Jun 2013 08:34:35 +0000 Stress is some thing that can be all to present, but can be managed.   Stress is a very broad yet individual topic. How stress affects our bodies is automatic, but we are able to control how much it affects us through stress management. In general, there are two types of stress, positive and negative. […]]]>

Stress FreeStress is some thing that can be all to present, but can be managed.


Stress is a very broad yet individual topic. How stress affects our bodies is automatic, but we are able to control how much it affects us through stress management. In general, there are two types of stress, positive and negative. Yes, there is such a thing as positive stress; for example, starting a new job that you are excited about, but need to get used to, or moving to a new house that you love. These types of stress generally lead to positive outcomes. Negative stress is the kind that doesn’t usually lead to a positive outcome such as the death of a loved one, or a difficult relationship that never seems to get easier. Usually these types of negative stress feel much less controllable and if not dealt with, can lead to more negative results.


Prolonged stress can be very damaging; left un-managed, or managed using negative coping techniques, it can lead to health and psychological issues like depression, getting sick more regularly, increased body fat, fatigue, sleeping troubles, headaches, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, irritability, aches and pains, the list goes on. Dealing with life’s inevitable stresses in a positive way can lead to more life satisfaction, improved relationships, more productive work, and improved overall health. Understanding our emotions and evaluating our actions can also play a big part in our stress levels.


The key to stress is all in how we deal with it. Life is going to have it’s many joys, but also it’s challenges, some of which we may not be able to control. Here is where stress management comes in. People cope with stress in many ways, again, these fall into two general categories, positive and negative. Negative stress management methods can include behaviors like getting angry, smoking, drug and alcohol abuse, or emotional eating. Although these things can provide a temporary distraction and feelings of relief, they in turn can create more problems and lead to more stress in the future. Positive stress management methods are those that provide  relief and distraction, but don’t lead to negative outcomes.


Healthy Stress Management Tips

  • Listen to music that you enjoy.
  • Talk to a friend.
  • Proper nutrition is an important foundation to stress management.
  • Stay hydrated to avoid fatigue and mood swings.
  • Try getting a massage.
  • Make time to enjoy your favorite hobby.


Sometimes stress can be a sign to us to make a life change, but if it’s not something you are ready or able to change, find a positive stress management technique. What works great for one person may not work at all for someone else, so keep trying until you find your own perfect stress management match.


Browse our Merchant Directory for a stress management expert, or to find a healthy stress reliever that works for you.


Author: Tony Montijo, BS Kinesiology, CPT, CES

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Common Diseases – A Matter of Choice? Mon, 10 Jun 2013 05:47:50 +0000 Take control of what you can to get the most out of life! There are many factors that contribute to some of the most common medical conditions including genetics and lifestyle. We of course do not have control over our genetics, but the lifestyle choices we make can play a big role in determining our […]]]>

Take control of what you can to get the most out of life!

There are many factors that contribute to some of the most common medical conditions including genetics and lifestyle. We of course do not have control over our genetics, but the lifestyle choices we make can play a big role in determining our health future. Lifestyle includes among other things, our choices in nutrition, fitnessstress management, our environment, smoking tobacco, drinking alcohol, and illegal drug use.


Diseases Commonly Considered “lifestyle related” Can Include:


  • Asthma – Chronic inflammation, spasms, and obstruction of airways
  • Some cancers – among other issues, cells grow uncontrollably and invade the body
  • Chronic liver disease – The liver is responsible for detoxification and protein synthesis
  • Lung Disease or COPD – Destruction of lung tissue that can cause other conditions
  • Heart disease – blockages of the arteries supplying blood to the heart
  • High cholesterol – cholesterol builds in arteries causing blockages to blood flow
  • Kidney disease – damage to the kidneys eventually causing the inability to urinate
  • Osteoporosis – weakening of bones that can lead to fractures
  • Stroke – Blockage to blood flow to the brain that can cause brain damage
  • Depression – a continued mood of sadness, hopelessness and anxiety
  • Obesity - being overweight to the point that it is likely to cause other health issues


Some experts use the terms “lifestyle disease” and “disease of civilization” interchangeably as these diseases appear to increase in frequency as countries become more industrialized and people live longer. Many of these diseases occur primarily in older people, but many also have been documented  from childhood onward. Historically, and in parts of the world where people are active throughout their lives, consume little to no alcohol, tobacco, or drugs, and rely on a primarily plant based diet of whole foods, eat very little meat and dairy products, processed foods, sugary foods, or vegetable oils, even in old age, very little evidence of so called “lifestyle diseases” exist.

Our lifestyle choices play a huge role in our health. Even if you are healthy now, taking the steps to continue to improve your health can dramatically improve your likelihood of staying healthy. And likewise, if you already have health conditions, doing your best to develop a healthy lifestyle can often improve and sometimes even completely reverse some medical conditions. If you have further questions about lifestyle related diseases and how they may relate to you, please speak with your doctor. Work with your doctor to make a plan and involve other professionals to help you along the way. The key is taking things one step at a time and setting manageable goals to take you all the way there. There is no “right way” to reach your own wellness peak, keep an open mind and try something new.


Explore our Merchant Directory to find the right match for you.

Sources: Michael Pollan, In Defense of Food, Wikipedia

Author: Tony Montijo, BS Kinesiology, CPT, CES


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Relaxation Techniques – Not Just for Hippies Anymore Thu, 06 Jun 2013 12:56:00 +0000 Relaxation techniques are for everyone.   Aside from reducing stress, anxiety, and anger, incorporating relaxation into our overall wellness routine can benefit both mental and physical health and can have big benefits such as lowering blood pressure and heart rate and relieving muscle tension, relieve headaches, improve sleep, and more. Many relaxation techniques are scientifically proven to […]]]>

Stress FreeRelaxation techniques are for everyone.


Aside from reducing stress, anxiety, and anger, incorporating relaxation into our overall wellness routine can benefit both mental and physical health and can have big benefits such as lowering blood pressure and heart rate and relieving muscle tension, relieve headaches, improve sleep, and more. Many relaxation techniques are scientifically proven to be effective and are not just a bunch of “new age hippie mumbo jumbo”. There are many types of relaxation techniques and they may not work for everyone, and most, if not all, require practice to be effective. Some can be done with recordings, individually, in classes or groups, or individualized sessions. Keep an open mind and try different options until you find the one that seems most helpful for you.


Some Common Relaxation Techniques Include:


  • Deep Breathing Exercises- Also called abdominal breathing or belly breathing, are a simple form of relaxation that can be done while sitting, standing, or lying down. The basic method of abdominal breathing is breathing deep into the abdomen and allowing the belly to expand rather than breathing with the chest and back expanding. Deep breathing is often done very slowly with multiple repetitions and emphasizes complete inhalation and exhalation. Deep breathing can be done virtually anywhere and is often practiced many times throughout the day.
  • Meditation- There are many forms of meditation, some rooted in spirituality, some not. Most meditation is aimed at quieting the mind, relaxing the body, naturally build energy levels, and connecting with the self among other aims. Meditation can be practiced using chants or mantras both aloud or internal, focusing on a specific feeling or idea, can incorporate drumming, or can be done with no stimulus at all.
  • Yoga- Known as a moving meditation, yoga is a combination of physical, mental, and breathing exercises native to India.
  • Tai Chi and Qi Gong- With similarities to yoga, these martial arts like forms of moving meditation focus on breathing, movement, and promoting physical and mental health. These traditional Chinese practices are rooted in the ideals and theories of Chinese Medicine and philosophy and aim to build the participants Qi, or Chi or life energy.
  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation- A technique used to help relax tense muscles. The premise is that the person intentionally learns to tense and then relax different muscle groups in order to learn to notice tension and relax their body. This is often done from head to toe, or from the feet up in a quiet dark room.
  • Visualization Exercises- Visualization is essentially using our imagination to create an image or scene in our mind. This can be done to leave our physical surroundings behind and visualize a calm and relaxing place, or to imagine ourselves being or feeling a certain way in a give situation, or achieving some goal. Visualization can be an effective form of relaxation and if used toward a goal, is thought to be helpful to build motivation and help us be more successful when real situations arise.
  • Music Therapy- Music therapy has a long history and can take different forms from simply listening to calming sounds like ambient or classical music, or can take the form of active participation like a drumming circle. Music therapy can be done at home, in groups, individually, or in a session led by a music therapy expert.


The important part about relaxation techniques is that you find the right one for you. Again, they can all require practice to be effective, so keep an open mind and keep trying until you achieve the relaxation you were looking for. Wether you are new to relaxation techniques or are looking for a new addition to your wellness routine, it’s best to keep trying new things.


For assistance with Relaxation techniques, browse our Merchant Directory to find the right stress management services for you.


Author: Tony Montijo, BS Kinesiology, CPT, CES

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One Tip to a Healthier You: Learning to Calm Your Fight or Flight Patterns Wed, 05 Jun 2013 21:39:44 +0000 Fight or Flight, Tame it to Tame your Stress


Amy-Scher-EFT-Energy-Psychology-Practitioner-photo1When we become threatened, we experience a surge of chemicals designed to allow us to survive through whatever the event is. The physiological effects are increased adrenaline, acceleration of heart and lung action, shaking, dilation of pupils and more. Cortisol, known as the “stress hormone,” is an integral part of our body’s “fight, flight or freeze” response. The fight, flight or freeze response is essentially a state of acute stress.


While stress is usually seen as a negative, it is beneficial if we need the surge of chemicals to help us fight, flight or freeze to avoid danger. However, it is only useful in short bursts. Many of us get caught in this perpetual state, never releasing it from our system and returning to normal, or homeostasis.


In fact, living in this kind of biological survival state can make us more vulnerable to common physical ailments that are related to or triggered by stress: cancer, heart disease and diabetes.


Why It’s Essential to Pay Attention To

Animals in the wilderness shake, tremble, run, or do other physical activities to discharge the effect of these stress chemicals on their body. The natural human tendency is to do this too. But, we are often told (by ourselves or others) to “calm down,” “get it together,” “stop being so sensitive,” and “be a big boy/girl and suck it up.”


When we purge the survival chemicals after a trauma, it shows our primitive brain that we survived and we are safe. This sends a signal to the cognitive brain to process the information and throw out the irrelevant associations related to it. Facing and surviving a trauma, if discharged in a healthy way, can actually help us feel more empowered and able to handle things in the future. It can create a sense of security even.


If we don’t discharge the trauma though, the primitive brain freezes the event in our systems. Anything in the future that reminds of us this original event, can trigger further responses


A Simple Fight or Flight Calming Technique

Donna Eden, an energy medicine pioneer offers one of my favorite techniques for calming the fight or flight pattern. This is straight from her award winning book, Energy Medicine.


The triple warmer meridian is an energy pathway in your body that’s responsible for the fight or flight response. It starts at the tip of the ring finger, travels up to the neck, behind the ears, and ends at the temples. You can use the electromagnetic energies of your hands to calm this energy by tracing part of this pathway backward.

1. Place your fingers at your temples. Hold for one deep breath, again breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth.

2. On another deep in-breath, slowly slide your fingers up and around your ears, smoothing the skin while maintaining some pressure.

3. On the out breath, slide your fingers down and behind your ears, press them down the sides of your neck, and hang them on your shoulders.

4. Push your fingers into your shoulders and then, when you are ready, firmly drag them over the tops of your shoulders, and smooth them to the middle of your chest, with one arm resting on top of the other. This is the heart chakra. It brings you home to yourself.

5. Hold here for several deep breaths.


Stress management and management of the fight or flight response are an important part of a balanced health and wellness routine. Contact the Author, or browse our Merchant Directory to find local Energy Work practitioners and Stress Management experts in your area in your area.

Author: Amy B. Scher, Energy Therapy Practitioner of Marina del Rey, CA


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Setting Goals – If You Don’t Have ‘Em, You wont Reach ‘Em Sat, 01 Jun 2013 06:28:15 +0000 Be SMART, set goals!   Goals are one of the most important aspects to getting all the way to where you want to be with your Health, Fitness, and overall Wellbeing. Whether you want to run a marathon, be “beach ready”, be more relaxed; whatever it is, setting goals will help you get there. It […]]]>

Be SMART, set goals!


Goals are one of the most important aspects to getting all the way to where you want to be with your Health, Fitness, and overall Wellbeing. Whether you want to run a marathon, be “beach ready”, be more relaxed; whatever it is, setting goals will help you get there. It can sometimes be discouraging to think about how far we have to go to get to where we want to be, but remembering that everything in life happens in small steps can help. Setting SMART goals will help to keep things in perspective and keep on the right track.


SMART stands for:

  • S – Specific
  • M – Measurable
  • A – Attainable
  • R – Relevant
  • T – Time Oriented


Rather than saying for example, “I want to lose weight”, start thinking about the specifics: “I will walk for 30 minutes 3 days this week after work.” Ask yourself these questions: Is the goal specific enough? Can I keep track of wether I am achieving the goal or not?  Is the goal realistic for me? Will this goal put me on the path toward the end result I want? Have I set a specific timeframe to achieve the goal?


Another example: rather than, “I want to be more relaxed”, Think of the specific things you could do to help yourself be more relaxed: “I will take at least 30 minutes every day to read”, or “I will do yoga 3 days per week for at least 30 minutes.” Try out your own.


Some Tools to be Successful:

  • Make a chart for yourself to track your goals.
  • Re-assess your goals often to see if they are effective or may need to be modified.
  • Work to identify barriers that need to be addressed to help you be successful.
  • Start from where you are and work your way to where you want to be one step at a time.
  • Be honest and stay accountable to yourself.
  • Keep a positive attitude, some setbacks are normal, just keep going!
  • Set up healthy rewards for yourself along the way for achieving larger goals.


Whatever it is that you want to achieve, SMART Goals can help get you there!


Browse our Merchant Directory to incorporate the assistance of a lifestyle coach or personal trainer to help you get all the way there.


Author: Tony Montijo, BS Kinesiology, CPT, CES

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